Caroline Chisholm School

The Bridge to Independence

Telephone02 9709 4661


At Caroline Chisholm School the focus of every child's learning is a Personalised Learning and Support Plan developed in conjunction with teaching staff, parents and support personnel. These learning programs are supported through a number of effective and innovative programs, such as art therapy, music therapy, YMCA KinderGym Program, playground and lunchtime library groups, in-school swimming programs, English as a Second Language programs, work experience and in-school work readiness programs.

Funding is allocated towards the acquisition and development of resources to support effective learning programs across all Key Learning Areas.

Caroline Chisholm SSP has addressed the importance of computer literacy in educating our students for the future, with technology being a vital component of our curriculum from K-12.

Each classroom has touchscreen computers and associated technology, a trial iPad program and interactive whiteboards used in team teaching contexts. Students are offered regular Internet access through well-equipped classrooms and a centralised library.

All Caroline Chisholm SSP teachers pride themselves in ensuring that mandatory curriculum requirements are met and that each student is taught using strategies that cater for their individual learning styles.

We have physical activity programs for children from Kindergarten to Year 12, with a focus on fundamental movement skills.

Sport and physical activity is a highly valued part of our school's curriculum, contributing to the development of the whole child. It provides a vehicle for social, physical, emotional and moral learning and is an important expression of our culture.

The participation, enjoyment and skill development of our students is the corner-stone of the school sport/ physical activity program. All our students take part in this program.

Our school offers a number of programs for students to express their creativity in the Arts. Specialist teaching staff are committed to providing quality experiences in music, visual arts, dance and drama.

Students can unleash their creative flair through dance and drama performances, competitions, exhibitions and enrichment programs.

Students with particular interests and talents can participate in local and statewide activities in visual arts, music, dance and drama.